
Brainstorming encourages students to use their imaginations and be creative. It helps elicit numerous solutions to any given problem. (For example, students ask themselves, “What should I do in this situation?” or “How can we overcome this obstacle?”) Once a brainstormed list is created, responses can be reorganized, evaluated, combined, or modified to create solutions that more directly address the problem.


  1. Use a board/flip chart to record and post ideas for all to see.
  2. State the problem or question to be addressed.
  3. State the rules for brainstorming: 
  4. Ask for ideas and record them as fast as they come. Do not edit what students say or how they say it.
  5. Discourage derisive laughter, comments, or ridicule of any ideas.
  6. Continue as long as the ideas keep coming.
  7. At the conclusion, discuss and evaluate the ideas generated.