This method allows each student or a representative of each group of students to share their views, opinions, and findings with the group. It allows for opinions to be heard and assessed in a structured manner. When used as a tool for reviewing written material, this method provides a quick and effective way to ensure all students grasp something they have read, and can help catch up the students who may have difficulty reading. When used after group work, this method ensures that all groups contribute to the discussion, without having the class become bored as another group is presenting. It can be especially useful as a tool to debrief another activity or to review information.
- First, all students read something (like a fact pattern), discuss something, or engage in an activity.
- Begin the round robin by having a student (or a person representing a group) state his or her view, opinion, or findings. Alternatively, each student can name one fact from the reading.
- Proceed to the next student (or person representing a group) and have that person state his or her view, opinion, findings or fact.
- Continue until all the pertinent views, opinions, findings or facts have been voiced.
- (optional) If you want to challenge students to improve their listening and critical thinking skills, ask them to pay attention to what other students say and then say something new or acknowledge someone they agree or disagree with. For example, “I completely agree with Janet that the death penalty should be abolished because…” or “To add onto Adam’s point, another reason we should have the death penalty is…”